
Marking the centenary of Querino's death

The day before the anniversary of Manuel Querino's death, Bérose, the International Encyclopaedia of the Histories of Anthropology, published an article on Querino's pioneering work as an ethnologist by Sabrina Gledhill.

In Bahia, a special mass was held in his memory on 14th February. Sung at the church of Nossa Senhora do Rosário dos Homens Pretos, where he was buried in the sacristy, the ceremony was organized by Jaime Nascimento.

Manuel Querino, who was, among many other things, the director of an African-inspired Carnival group, Pándegos d'África, died of malaria on Ash Wednesday, 1923.


New e-book in Portuguese

Based on my PhD thesis, this book is a reflection on the lives and posthumous reputations of two Black intellectuals - Booker T. Washington and Manuel R. Querino. In it, I seek to find connections between their experiences of and responses to racism and "bridge the Black Atlantic" by showing how Manuel Querino may have come to know of and admire Washington - the only African American he mentions in his works. Now available in Portuguese on Amazon (Kindle) and Smashwords (Kobo) as well as the website of Livraria Cultura 


Full Episode: Brazil, a Racial Paradise?

Professor Henry Louis Gates focuses on Manuel Querino as of minute 28 of this episode, comparing him to WEB Du Bois and Carter G. Woodson, "the fathers of African-American history".
